
Annual Nano Testing Symposium

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Response to COVID-19

Top / Response to COVID-19

Our Response to COVID-19

Measures for preventing COVID-19 infections

Please read below for our requests to participants on measures for preventing COVID-19 infections.

  • Alcohol dispensers for disinfecting hands and fingers are provided in various areas throughout the venue.
  • Common areas, such as washrooms and lobbies, as well as elevator buttons, escalator and other surfaces that receive frequent human contact are disinfected periodically.
  • By pre-registration of participants, we will secure seat space in the lecture hall and operate the symposium without being crowded.
  • The layout of exhibition venue has been arranged to help us avoid crowding.
  • We will consider ventilation in the lecture hall, the passageway inside the hall, and the exhibition hall. In addition, we will install an advanced clean humidifier for business use with a sterilization function.
  • In the event that a participant is found to be infected, organizers reserve the right to immediately contact all contacts provided in the participant’s registration.
  • Please click additional information (in Japanese) on measures taken by the operators of the KFC Hall and Rooms.

Requests to our participants

  • We will use thermography to check visitors’ temperatures. As a general rule, visitors with a temperature of 37.5ºC or higher will be refused entry.
  • Participants are asked to observe infection prevention practices including the wearing of masks, and hand-washing and gargling. Please also make sure to observe coughing etiquette when you need to cough.
  • Please refrain from attending the venue if you have a fever, are coughing, or have pain involving your entire body.
  • In order to avoid the 3-Cs (closed spaces, crowding and close contact) in the venue, the organizer will be checking for overcrowding and may limit admissions if necessary. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
  • Participants will be asked to register with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare “Corona Tracking System (COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application) at the venue. Please click here for system details (in Japanese). https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/cocoa_00138.html
  • In the event that a participant is found to be infected with the COVID-19 virus, organizers reserve the right to disclose the minimum required personal information to government agencies and local municipalities for the purpose of, but not limited to, identifying their route of infection. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

In addition, face shield will be distributed to all participants